(330) 436-6700

Title Insurance Commitments and Policies

Title insurance starts with the search of public records for any matters which could affect the title to the property.  Unresolved issues can prevent, delay, or cancel your transaction.  Omega discovers and clears title issues better than anyone else.

Unresolved issues can prevent, delay, or cancel your closing.”



Omega begins processing your title order immediately and produces a title commitment to you within 5 business days. A Title Commitment is a binding promise that we will issue an insurance policy Our commitments clearly identify and report any pending issues which will be resolved prior to closing.


After the commitment is created but before closing, Omega will resolve all outstanding title issues. Once title is clear and the transaction closes, Omega will deliver your final title insurance policy.


Omega also provides Limited Lien Search Reports within 24 to 48 after the order is placed. Reports delivered via fax, mail, or electronically via e-mail.

Property Information Reports

Omega provides many types of property information reports tailored to your individual needs, including Tax and Legal Descriptions. Turnaround time is contingent upon the level of information desired.